
Join The Movement

Community Ambassador/Volunteer

Become a community ambassador or volunteer for social change!

We encourage community members that we’ve worked with to share what they’ve learned with neighboring communities. BECOME Community Ambassadors are volunteers who take the lead in representing our organization in the community, build relationships with key stakeholders, and have the opportunity to acquire important skills in areas of program and community development, evaluation, and organizational development.

We also have other various volunteer opportunities that you may be interested in. We welcome your inquiries. Email us at to learn more about our Community Ambassador program and other volunteer opportunities.

Join Our Team

We are looking for individuals who have a commitment to the mission of BECOME and those who are passionate about social and racial justice. In addition, qualified candidates must understand culturally responsive practices in depth, especially in relationship to social justice in communities of color. Subcontractors can contact us for a list of current available projects.

Are you interested in growing with our BECOME family? 

Thank You for your interest in BECOME!

We would love to have you join our team! 

Although we are not actively seeking to grow our team at this time, we are always looking to connect with new partners and members. Let’s get connected! 

Support the Movement

BECOME is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that creates contexts so individuals, children and families can flourish. Help us fulfill our mission to nourish communities affected by poverty and injustice to make their vision of a thriving community a reality.

Support our transformative mission with your tax deductible donation today because this work would not be possible without the empowerment of our generous community of supporters, activists and change agents.

Contact Us

To find out more about how BECOME can support your organization and community or to get involved contact us  at or (312) 278-1049.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list or are interested in any of the following information, please complete the form below.