
Author Archive

Maximizing Impact means listening to those most affected

As professional evaluators whose work is based in community psychology, we believe understanding a community’s needs starts with listening to voices of those who live in that community. Our Maximizing Impact initiative is built on that belief. One example of our work that illustrates how we incorporate the voices of community residents when we analyze […]

Maximizing Impact: Our response to the pandemic + systemic racism crises In March we shared the first responses to the COVID-19 pandemic from community leaders and other partners we convened via Zoom. It’s now clear–with the unjust and tragic killing of George Floyd, clear to all the world–that we face not one crisis, but two: the pandemic as well as systemic racial injustice.  Many have […]

Pandemic next steps: ‘everyone in, nobody out’ solutions

Zoom call on April 2  We’re grateful to the more than 40 community leaders from across the Chicago region and beyond who came together over six hours in three phone calls Thursday, March 26, Thursday April 2, and Wednesday April 8. Read our earlier blog post about the first call here.  Here are two key […]

Time, Treasure, Talent & Testimony: Giving by Women of Color

The role of women of color donors is coming to the fore. For example, a cover story in the March issue of the Chronicle of Philanthropy asks “How to Connect With Donors of Color?”   Groups like Chicago Foundation for Women, CFW, that have prioritized the investment of women of color donors’ “treasure, time, talent and […]