Board & Advisors
Board of Directors

Rachel Marusarz

Israil Thomas
Financial Advisor

Board Chair
Revolution MacInnes

Patricia Arredondo
Patricia Arredondo, AAG President, has been a business consultant for 30 years, engaged in the higher education, healthcare, finance, non-profit, manufacturing, consumer, and publishing sectors, domestically and internationally. She established partnerships with universities in South Korea, Poland, Guatemala and Mexico, and with numerous corporations in and around Boston and Milwaukee. Arredondo is founder and president of Empowerment Workshops, Inc., a company in Boston she led for 13 years. She is a licensed psychologist and has been a faculty member and senior administrator at research universities and a professional school of psychology. Arredondo is published extensively in the areas of workforce diversity, women’s leadership, the Latina/o quotient, and cultural competency development; she is bilingual in English and Spanish and a licensed psychologist. Her doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology is from Boston University.

Jennifer Greene
Jennifer Greene is a Professor in Educational Psychology at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests focus on the intersections of social science and social policy. Her work in the domain of educational and social program evaluation seeks to advance the theory and practice of alternative forms of evaluation, including qualitative, democratic, and mixed methods evaluation approaches. Her current work emphasizes evaluation as a venue for democratizing dialogue about critical social and educational issues, with a focus on conceptualizing evaluation as a “public good.” She has a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Stanford University. She is a former President of the American Evaluation Association.

Karen Kirkhart
Karen E. Kirkhart holds a Ph.D. in Social Work and Psychology from The University of Michigan and is currently Professor, School of Social Work, David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, Syracuse University. She served as President of the American Evaluation Association in 1994 and has held a number of leadership roles in that organization. Dr. Kirkhart’s work on multicultural validity seeks to bring issues of culture competence to the center of the evaluation profession by placing them squarely in the middle of validity theory. Her work on evaluation influence recasts use more broadly in terms of both scope and intention and calls for closer examination of the consequences of evaluators’ work. Dr. Kirkhart’s contributions to the evaluation profession have been recognized by the American Evaluation Association (AEA) with the Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award for Outstanding Contribution to Evaluation Theory and the Robert Ingle Award for Outstanding Services to the AEA. She collaborated with the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) in their development of an Indigenous Evaluation Framework and was a member of the writing team for the AEA Public Statement on Cultural Competence in Evaluation.

Michael Quinn Patton
Michael Quinn Patton is an independent organizational development and program evaluation consultant and former president of the American Evaluation Association. Patton has written many books on the art and science of program evaluation, including Utilization-Focused Evaluation, in which he emphasizes the importance of designing evaluations to ensure their usefulness, rather than simply creating long reports that may never get read or never result in any practical changes. He has written about evaluation and worked in the field beginning in the 1970s when evaluation in the nonprofit sector was a relatively new development. After receiving his doctorate in sociology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, he spent 18 years on the faculty of University of Minnesota, including five as Director of the Minnesota Center for Social Research and ten years with the Minnesota Extension Service.